It has been quite a while since I have posted. I wanted to talk about friendship and most importantly female friendships. I don't think I am going to be able to find words to describe what my friends mean to me. So brace yourself for me waxing poetically about my friends, and adorable photos of us (as well as a featured outfit and my poorly blended highlighter) <3
There was a long period of time in my life when I didn't have any healthy friendships. I spent years feeling isolated and like I couldn't trust anyone. My self-worth and self-esteem were constantly under attack, some were boarding on physically abusive. It was a very hard time and I felt terrible about myself almost all the time. I wouldn't wish these kinds of relationships on anyone when I look back but I am grateful because it makes me realize how much value the friendships in my life now. I remember being younger and watching movies or shows and seeing girls and their best friends, having sleepovers and heart to hearts and special days, inside jokes and I didn't have that with anyone. My life is very different now.
Women supporting women is a divine amazing thing of magic. Which is why the patriarchy fears it so. I have the strongest and utmost faith in women and the power that women have when they band together. Unstoppable. Now, this isn't to discredit male/male friendships or male/female friendship but there is just something that I didn't have and I can honestly say changed my life.
I have been blessed with meeting some of the most intelligent, kind, beautiful (mind, body, and soul) hella woke, socially active women. Like I have well fed in almost every aspect of my life. I have a friend for everything. Everything friendship I have in my life is stimulating and emotionally supportive. That was something I hadn't ever had before.

The following list is not a ranking of my friends it's pretty much in the order that they came into my life. Here we go !
Kaila has been mentioned quite a few times on my blog in the past. Kaila and I met the second day of classes Freshman year of college. We have been friends ever since. I don't exactly know how to explain what Kaila and I's friendship means to me short of saying we are family. Kaila and I share the same love of fashion, we have almost the same taste in music and have worn the same outfit on the same day by accident and said the same words out loud at the same time. Kaila is more blood than anything else at this point. I wouldn't have survived college without her.

Now Petra and I have known each other since we were freshmen in High School but we didn't become best friends until college. We went to different Universities in different States but we spoke every day multiple times a day. Petra is my friend that I almost never see but I speak to almost every single day. For this reason, there is literally only one (1) photo of Petra and I together. I love her, even when she drives me crazy.
J and I bonded over our shared exasperation with entitled men and sexism. Who would have thought those two things could give me such a gift. A literal beam of light in my life. I am probably J's biggest fan and I root for her every day. I always will. She has recently moved far far away and I miss her every day but I know she's killing shit and changing the world where she is.
I like to say that I met Virginia at Literally the perfect point in my life. I needed her. ( still do) Being friends with VA has healed wounds I didn't know that I had. She's my friend that will also check me if I am not being my true authentic self and we take time out of her day and listen to me rant about anti-vax moms and climate change. She is a true rock and I'm grateful every day that we met. <3
I have always struggled with feeling far too old for my age and not being taken seriously for that reason. Jennifer, among all the gifts she has given me, has never treated me like a child. I can say with 100 percent certainty that I do not know where I would be if it wasn't for JT. In terms of never-ending support, Jennifer has it in spades.
Speaking of JT always leads to thinking of Abigail, cause if not for Jennifer I would have never met Abby. Another thing to thank her for. I feel like Abby thinks she gets more out of our friendship than I do and that isn't true. Just being around Abby is infectious, it nourishes me and helps me grow and I am grateful for it every time I see her. Love her <3 <3
We bonded over a shared love and infatuation with Prince. I have a dear and soft place in my heart for Aleecya and I always will. Watching Aleecya grow further and further into herself has been absolutely amazing. Aleecya has an amazing gift and talent and I am never not proud of her.
Jessi is a funny case because out of all of my friends Jessi is the only one who I set out to get. I met Jessi through my current job and us being the only two black people in a room I looked at her and said to myself "she's going to be my new friend" and so it became. Jessi is great and I feel like the conversations I have with her I can't have with anyone else. Jessi is also practically a genius, she is quick-witted and sarcastic. I set my sights on her and I think I made a great choice.
These women are all flawed and amazing, strong, loving human beings. When they shine, I shine. They have shaped me and I would march to the brink for all of them. I am forever blessed to have them in my life and if I don't say it enough I guess this post is my love letter to them all, as much as I can put it into words. As I get older and life continues to happen I do not see some of them as often as I would like but the love doesn't change.
Outfit details:
Black t-shirt - here
Linen pants - here
Headwrap - no longer available but it's from The Wrap Life
Mood: Run The World (Girls) - Beyonce
Girl power!!! Wow, all these AMAZING women! So thankful for you! <3