Hello !
So we all have those items that we see and we're like 'people really put this on and go outside?' Items that are usually trend pieces and will probably be a distant memory, you know the pieces I am talking about. For me, it was Tevas and sandals like them. In college one of my best friends and her brother would wear Tevas often, and I would politely roast them. To me, Tevas were sandals worn by people who walk barefoot in public places and randomly climb trees in the middle of a conversation on the street. I saw these sandals and I was like, it's just mad velcro and straps, what's going on here ?
So, how in the world did I end up buying them ? Well, almost every summer I buy a pair of sandals and without fail by the next year they are wrecked and I have to get a new pair and then rinse, repeat the year after. It just wasn't at all sustainable and it was a hole in my capsule wardrobe that I just couldn't fill. This summer I knew that I wouldn't be out and about due to COVID but I was still going to create content and I would be walking in the heat and not wanting to always be in sneakers. I knew I wanted something minimal and super paired back. I needed a sandal that would go with whatever I was wearing and could be tossed on. Tevas somehow were the answer. Now I rarely buy things expecting to hate them, but I honestly thought I would have to convince myself that this wasn't a mistake.
I am annoyed to say that I fucking love these damn things. Not only are they comfortable (so fucking comfortable), they look really good. Way better than I expected them to. They add do still look like something a little boy named Thomas would wear and like they should have lights on the straps but I'm into it. They add playfulness and also a bit of a boyish laid back look to outfits. I've seen them paired with just about any outfit under the sun, frilly dresses, jeans and blazers, and anything and everything.
I must have on some level knew that I was going to like them because I bought two pairs, my other pair is on backorder and I am so excited for them to come so I can style them. I am not one to say never say never, when it comes to almost anything but these were a solid choice that I wish I made sooner.
x Y
Stay safe
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FreeThemAll2020 bail fund (bail funds are incredibly important during these times, folx who are arrested at protests don't have access to PPE while in lock-up): here
This is a link of bail funds by state and city: here
Don't know which bail fun to donate to? No problem, this will split your donation between a bunch of them: here