It is finally warming up in the North East so when I say Summer is approaching, I don't sound like a crazy person. It feels like we're gonna skip Spring and jump right into the heat (it was 80 degrees and humid AF this weekend when I took these). This summer will be my last as a college student, and so I feel like I have to make big plans. I don't want to place too much pressure on myself to "make the most" cause that usually ends up ruining everything but here are some of my tentative Summer 2018 Goals. And pictures of me in my new beautiful vans, frolicking in trees.
Tighten That Belt
I have been good at saving money but in the last year I have worked less and I have had more expenses (graduating is really really pricey) So this summer I plan to sit and squeeze as much of my money as I can. I have plans and those plans require funds and so I must save. I am usually rather strict with my money and having a capsule wardrobe has really helped cause I definitely don't shop as much, so I don't think I'll have an issue with saving funds this summer.One Foot in Front of the Other
One thing that me and my best friend did a lot while we were undergraduates was go for walks. This isn't really something I did at home in Brooklyn, if I was going somewhere I was hopping on the bus or on the train and getting where I was heading. Here at school, we walked a lot along the water or through the park that is just off of campus. These walks were vital to my mental health they kept me calm and centered when stress was trying to swallow me whole. I got to clear my head and blast some music, we sang at the top of our lungs, listen to the little baby waves, sometimes we would just sit and stare at birds in the trees. New York is beautiful and I need to walk about it more than I do now.Boardwalk Living
Now, this seems like the simplest thing ever right ? No, while going to the beach may seem like a no brainier on everyone summer wish list I haven't visited a beach since I was about 12 years old. That was also the last time in my life where I wasn't made aware of my body. I got to just be. Well now I have reclaimed my body for me and I would like to take her to the beach and show her ass off in my several cute AF swimsuits.Soundcheck, is this thing on?
Concerts.Concerts have become my new obsession and this is a very expensive obsession to have. I have a friend you loves looking for airline tickets, she won't even be going anywhere but if she likes to find really cheap flights. I love looking for concert tickets. I love trying to get as close to the stage as possible for as little money as I can. I get a thrill when I buy tickets to a concert. And this summer is gonna be a good one. Majority of my favs are going on tour this summer so I will probably be eating ice water soup all summer long cause I need to go to these concerts. (also why I need to save money) Sam Smith, Janet Jackson, Janelle Monae, Darren Criss, Daniel Caesar, Bruno Mars. I need to be where they are !
Moar Fire
Usually, during the summer it's too hot for me to even think about outfits or what to wear so I just resort to the same things again and again. I would like to change that this summer. I wanna look Fire no matter how hot it is outside, so that requires actually having a summer wardrobe, my mission this summer is to build it into my capsule wardrobe. I'll definitely take you all along with me as I discover what equates to my summer style. I will also be working in an office setting this summer so I need to figure out what will keep me from boiling at work that also fits dress code and is in my personal style.

Chapter 1
I wanna read more, Another one that grazes almost everyone's Summer wish-list/resolutions, but I spent most of last summer with my head buried in books. I spend most of my day reading during the year anyway, but that mostly online. I bought a bunch of books last summer that I still haven't gotten around to cracking open and I definitely wanna do that this summer. I have this vision of myself, in denim shorts, some black leather slides, a flow-ly white button up top, laying in a park or on the beach on my watermelon towel with a net bag with books in it. I have to make this a reality. Leave me some summer reading recs in the comments.Now if I don't get all of this done that doesn't mean my summer was terrible or I wasted it away. These are just things I intend to remind myself I wanna do when I find myself at a lost.
Leave me some this your favorite things do every summer or things you wanna do this summer in the comments below.
x- Y
Vans (blog post all about them soon to come) - here
Weekday Fanny pack - sold out similar here
Black ASOS Trousers - sold out similar here
Biggie Tee - here
Mood: Juicy - The Nortorious B.I.G
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